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How Do I Use Essential Oils?

There are three ways to use Young Living essential oils. Always read the directions on the labels for correct usage, including dilution guidelines. 
Topical use means using on your skin, either "neat"-straight from the bottle, or diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, etc. Adding a few drops of essential oils into a roller bottle filled with carrier oil makes topical application easy. 
Aromatic use means either by using a Young Living diffuser, which disperses the essential oil molecules into the air, or by applying essential oils to diffuser jewelry. You can also inhale them directly from the bottle. 
Lastly, because of the purity of Young Living’s essential oils, there are many oils that can be taken internally as a dietary supplement. You can add oils to your water, cook with them, or put them into a capsule. Young Living’s Vitality line (white labels) is clearly labeled for this use.
Before you know it, you will be using oils as perfume, diffusing beautiful 
blends, making tasty meals, and adding them to your personal care routine!
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